At BCR Law LLP, we deliver leading advice across a full range of services for local businesses, individuals, families and Government bodies. We are one team, which means our clients have access to the highest quality legal advice under one roof.
We understand that individuals and families have unique needs when it comes to seeking legal advice. At BCR Law LLP, our specialist lawyers work with you, listen to you, and always operate sensitively and practically. Our aim is to be your trusted adviser.
Our highly regarded lawyers prioritise knowing your business, your aspirations and your needs to offer pragmatic and commercial advice to help you achieve your goals. We want your business to thrive.
Access to Justice There is no escaping the fact that litigation is expensive. There has been much debate in Jersey in recent years about access to justice, both in the...
The recent judgment of Huda v. Minister for Health and Social Services [2021] JRC 007 once again highlights the obligation on a party to litigation to preserve all documents that...
On 15th January 2021 the UK Supreme Court handed down its decision in respect of a number of related appeals concerning issues of principle on the interpretation of business interruption...
In this article, Dispute Resolution Partner, Jeremy Heywood looks at the duties of occupiers (property owners) to their visitors, and the liability they face if there was an accident. I...
Health and safety legislation aims to secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work. The Health & Safety Inspectorate (HSI) is the independent regulator of workplace health and...
Since our last update on 3rd April 2020, the Government of Jersey has passed the COVID-19 (Residential Tenancy) (Temporary Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 2020 (the “Regulations”).The Regulations have been...
The coronavirus pandemic, and the restrictions on economic and social activities which it has brought in Jersey and the wider world, has already had a serious impact on most businesses. ...
The Damages (Jersey) Law (the “Law”) will place on a statutory footing aspects of the calculation of damages in personal injury cases. The two key aspects are: A statutory ‘discount...
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